Our Community

At Hala Walla, we prioritize user research in digital product development. Instead of solely relying on expertise, we are dedicated to conducting research that advocates for the users, collaborating with our customers to shape positive brand experiences through meticulous UX research methodologies.


Who is our community?

At Hala Walla, our community extends beyond boundaries and embraces individuals who share a common passion for genuine impact and accessibility advocacy. Whether you’re navigating the world with visual or hearing impairments, embracing diverse abilities, or simply eager to contribute to positive change, our community is inclusive and diverse.


Why join our community?

Joining the Hala Walla community means becoming part of a movement dedicated to creating richer user experiences with a tangible, positive impact on lives. As advocates for accessibility, we invite you to be a catalyst for change, contributing your unique perspective and skills to our shared mission.


How do you want to be involved?

Our identity is rooted in social purpose and we believe in the power of choice. We want you to decide how you’d like to be involved in our community. Are you interested in being a participant in our UX research studies? If you are blind or visually impaired and would like to actively participate in our user research studies, join us! We value your unique perspective. Additionally, we’re always seeking individuals to share their experiences in the accessibility field. Whatever your preference, your involvement is crucial in shaping the transformative power of our experience and expertise. Yalla, let’s build a community that drives meaningful change.

We are committed to building a community that transcends traditional boundaries, connecting individuals through shared experiences.


5th Floor
AI Nasr Tower
West Bay
Doha, Qatar